
Our Amazing Heros

Please click on a button below to watch an amazing interview with a hero. A hero can be classified in many different ways. Heroes comes in many shapes, jobs, and personalities. The heroes that you are about to watch are really to share their experience and knowledge to help the communities around them. We want to make sure that we honor the many heroes around us. If you know of a hero within your community please let us know. Make sure to follow us on YouTube and Instagram

Porter Holmes

Porter Holms is 14 years old, who has a disability. We celebrated a wonderful wheelchair donation from the community. Porter received his new wheelchair on Monday, August 22, 2022.

Goat Hollow ESA Ranch

Goat Hollow Emotional Support Animals (ESA) Ranch is a great place to participate in rehab activities around some very special goats or other animals.

Honoring Sherrif's Department

We showed our appreciation for the local law enforcement by handing out handmade cards, treats, and gifts. (A big shout out to WamSafety.com, William Campbell, and Smiths & Edwards for their contributions.)

ralph evans
Retired Officer Ralph Evans

Officer Ralph Evans retired from the force, after many years of services within the community he remains positive on a daily basis. Make sure to listen to his podcast! Click the button below! (Ralph evans on the left & Wendy Jensen-Nicholls on the right).

Paul Thurber

Paul Thurber is the VP/GM of Manufacturing & Safety for Evergaurd ai as well as CEO of Total Safety Services LLC. (Paul Thurber on the left & Wendy Jensen-Nicholls on the right). Make sure to checkout our up and coming podcasts to listen to some helpful tips and tricks to stay safe! Click the button below to listen!

Dr. Stanley Green & Ralph Evans

On 1/18/2023 Utah Legislation & Senate will be honoring Officer Evans who was shot in the head & back with life threatening injuries from a 13 year old boy during a routine traffic stop. He survived this horrific event by the miracle of an physician on active military duty, Dr Green who happened to be heading to the airport with his family and stopped to save his life!